Thursday, June 3, 2010

The video we watched in class today was about how people have different learning styles. It explains how people can be visual learners, audio learners, and kinesthetic learners. It also explained how people cannot learn through seeing or hearing. It explained how students only learn things are based on learning.

I'm not quite sure I agree with the point the video was trying to get across. I don't think that teachers should teach every student the same way. I do believe that teaching students content with life experiences is a very effective way for many people. Almost everyone I know would learn how to fix a tire by actually fixing a tire than watching someone else or listening to someone explain how to fix a tire. I do think that having students actually put the content of what a teacher is teaching into their daily lives is the best way to learn for everyone. But I still believe that some people learn differently. Some learn better when shown a picture or video, and some learn better just listening to someone else talk about it.

I really liked the video we watched even though I'm still not convinced. I like to hear both sides of every story. It gives me a better chance of making my own decision on what I think.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

We watched a video in class today that showed a 10th grade class from Elkader, Iowa that was learning about environmental health. The project is for their english and health classes. Each student picks a topic they are interested in and they make a video to persuade the rest of the class to want to do what they think should happen.

The technology they use are cameras to make a persuasive video. Also several different kinds of software on a computer like i-video.

The parts of this project that I really liked were that it incorporated several different kinds of classes, it used health, english and a multi-media class. I like to show students how each class can be involved accross the curriculum. I also liked how the students would be showing somehting that they cared about. I thought it was a good idea to let students choose what they thought was important.

Some things I didn't like about the project is that the students were in groups of three. I think for such a big project the students should be working alone or in groups of two, but no more than that. I also think that students should be in smaller groups because they are working on something that they care about because it would be hard to get the same point accross if the group members had different opinions on the topic.