Thursday, May 27, 2010

The video that we watched during class was about students finding their resting heart rate and exercise heart rate.

This video showed several types of technology. One of the technologies used was a heart rate monitor the students wore on their wrist and they talk about other types of heart rate monitors. The teacher also used an overhead projector and asked the students to fill out a graph that I'm assuming she either found or created on the computer.

I really enjoyed this video because I am a health education major. I found the lesson to be fun for the students and helpful for them to understanding how the body works and how we measure how well our body is working. I think what the objectives of this particular lesson was to help the students understand their own bodies better. Also to understand how everyones bodies are not the same, to understand that everyone is different.

If I were to do the same lesson I would have changed several techniques. I like the watch heart rate monitors that the teacher used but I think I would have spent some time helping the student learn how to count their own heart rate and another students. I think learning how to take a heart rate manually would be more helpful for the students in the future, because most people don't purchase digital heart rate monitors for exercise. I also would have incorporated into the lesson, all of the different places the heart rate could be measured. I think that instead of having the students doing a step exercise I would have taken the students on a brisk walk outside the school, especially if it was nice outside.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

College vs. K-12 Students

The video we watched today was about the differences between college and k-12 students.

The differences between college students and k-12 students is very obvious to me because I am a college student but I am studying to become a teacher for high schooler's. Personally I believe that a k-12 education is more productive in many ways because the students to teacher ratio is usually much smaller than college. Also most college professors don't get to know their students like teachers do with high schooler's. I believe that the most important part of teaching students is actually getting to know them and their personality and how they learn.

Some of the major differences between college and k-12 students is the amount of money they spend on school. College students spend hundreds of dollars on books every semester and will be $20,000 dept when they leave college. Where high school students usually don't spend more than 50 dollars a year on school supplies. Also in high school most of the technology is provided for the students to use in class, where (at most universities) if a college students wants to use a laptop they have to go out an buy one. Another difference between college students and high school students is the amount of time outside of class studying. College student spend an average of 3 hours a day and high school students probably spend that much time a week. However the amount of time spent in class is much smaller for college students. And high school students get the adequate amount of sleep where college students only get 7 hrs.

Some of the similarities is the amount of time spent on the cell phone, either texting or talking. Also the amount of time students spend on their ipods listening to music and watching television is outrageous.Way too much time. All students need to spend more time outside and doing things. I also believe that students in a k-12 area feel that they are learning to be educated not to get a degree and get a job. Most college students believe that the only reason they go to class is to get a good grade so that they can graduate and get a degree and get a job. I also believe that college students do much more cramming that high school students, because their teachers aren't constantly reminding the students to stay on top of their studying.

There are many things that I would change about both college and high school students, but someday hopefully I will be able to make an impact on how student learn in their schools.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Software Video

The video we watched today in class was about a real class who was using a software called Microsoft Image Composer. The class is a high school photography class. The students use the digital cameras and the software to take pictures of the students and school activities and post the pictures in collages on the school website.

I think that this type of project is good for the school as a whole. I think it is fun for the students doing the project and I'm sure that parents and students would enjoy seeing the pictures of the school activities taking place. However I do think that today most students would not need much instruction on how to do take digital pictures and make collages, at least not for a whole year. I think that it would be a nice background project for the students. But not the only project being worked on.

Something I would have added to the project would be maybe taking pictures and printing them out for the parents or students of to school to purchase for a couple dollars. It would give the students some practice with printing pictures. Also I might incorporate video. I would have students pick and choose events that could be recorded and put up on the internet and maybe put on DVD's for students to purchase also. Events such as athletics, school dances, and assembly's.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spreadsheet video

Today in class we watched a video that showed a real class that was using technology in the classroom. In this particular classroom the teacher was focusing on spreadsheets. The teacher also used other technologies such as her computer to play music and the internet to find out weather information such as average temperature.

The activity she was doing seemed to get the students interested in the weather and climate of their region. However the students seemed rather young to be doing this type of activity. The students in the video seemed to understand everything very well, but I think that that was because she only had 4 students. A weakness of this activity was that if a teacher was trying to do it with a normal size class of 20 or 30 students it would be much harder. Many students would be left behind especially with the young students that she had.

Something in the video that I really thought was a strength was when the teacher had the students fill out the chart about what they wonder and then at the end of the activity had the students answer there own questions. That is a good way to show your students that they are actually learning something. It is also a good way to get feedback from the students about if the lesson worked or not.

Something that I would have added to the project would maybe finding out some of our own data like taking the temperature everyday for a month and putting that into a spread sheet and using that data to help the students understand their climate.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

2nd Class Video

The video we watched today about students in real classrooms using technology focused on playing a kind of game where students ran their own virtual corporations. This type of technology was Instructional software on a computer. This type of software the students are using is meant to help them understand supply and demand. They also use a microsoft word processing software to help them make a press release for their corporations. They also use spreadsheets to keep track of revenues for their virtual corporations.
I think that using instructional software to help students understand any type of material is a good idea because it is different from the normal classroom learning. A strenth is that doing different things keeps the students interested. However a weakness could be if a teacher doesn't relate it to their daily lives. If a teacher doesn't help relate it for them students will think it was just a game on a computer and never put it in to their lives. The teacher did a good job of using real life examples to help the students understand how they could later use this material.
I really liked the idea of having students write long term and short term goals for the project. It is good for students to write goals because later they can reflect upon those goals and see how they achieved them or how they fell short and what they would have done differently the next time. However goals are useless if a teacher never has students revisit the goals the students wrote.
Something that I would have added to the lesson is I would have had students do the project in groups. I feel that groups would have been more realistic because most corporations are done as group projects.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Class Videos

Today in class we watched videos of actual classrooms using technology to enhance the learning experience. Align LeftIn the video 6th grade students would create a news broadcast to show at the beginning of each school day. In the news broadcasts students would show the weather, and birthdays, and any other special features. I have heard of many schools that have a beginning of the day news, although my school never had one. I think it would be a great way to teach student about technology and also I think that most students would enjoy being in charge of such a big project.
The students in the video really only talk about news within their school. If I were to do this in my classes I would also incorporate more of local and national and even worldwide news also. This kind of news may cause a problem with some parents because of political views, but I think we could alter the news from news stations to keep it neutral.
The students in the video were using several different kinds of technology. Digital cameras, video cameras, computers with PowerPoint, word processing, Internet, and a video editing program. These technologies were somewhat outdated. Today the technologies used to create a news cast are much more in depth and make it much easier to make a broadcast and more professional.

Monday, May 17, 2010

First Day

Today was our first class period of Media and Technology for summer semester 2010. I think the class will be useful to me as a teacher someday. I wish to use lots of technology in my classroom because I think it is important for all students to have a strong background in technology for college or the workforce. We were assigned to create a blog to respond to ideas and techniques presented in the classroom. This is my first blog. I think it will be fun to have a blog like this, it is definitely something new.