Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Class Videos

Today in class we watched videos of actual classrooms using technology to enhance the learning experience. Align LeftIn the video 6th grade students would create a news broadcast to show at the beginning of each school day. In the news broadcasts students would show the weather, and birthdays, and any other special features. I have heard of many schools that have a beginning of the day news, although my school never had one. I think it would be a great way to teach student about technology and also I think that most students would enjoy being in charge of such a big project.
The students in the video really only talk about news within their school. If I were to do this in my classes I would also incorporate more of local and national and even worldwide news also. This kind of news may cause a problem with some parents because of political views, but I think we could alter the news from news stations to keep it neutral.
The students in the video were using several different kinds of technology. Digital cameras, video cameras, computers with PowerPoint, word processing, Internet, and a video editing program. These technologies were somewhat outdated. Today the technologies used to create a news cast are much more in depth and make it much easier to make a broadcast and more professional.

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